STEM Middle School

Michelle Bissonette

Informational Meeting

Greetings, On Tuesday, March 11 at 8:30am we will host an informational meeting regarding the incident and the threat to Howe School at the Michael Berry Campus. Danielle Elzayat, Director of Safety and Security will be here with information and to address any...

Summer Discovery Program

If you are interested in the summer discovery program please see the link below. Please note that STEM is NOT running the program. You can sign up by marking your home middle school through the application.  Please read for more information and complete the...

Spring Conferences

Parent Teacher Conferences will be held next Tuesday, March 4 from 1:30-4:30 pm. Attendance is optional, but we ask that you schedule a time to meet with teachers using the link below. You must sign up for each teacher individually. These are not "drop in"...

STEM School Admissions Eligibility Criteria 25/26

Later this spring, STEM Middle School will start its process of selecting sixth grade students for the 2025-26 school year. STEM is a National Blue Ribbon School and a magnet middle school for academically gifted students within the district. The program follows the...

Clubs Cancelled Wednesday, Feb. 12

The following clubs will not be held tomorrow, Wednesday, Feb 12. -Math Circle -Jazz Band -Board Game Club -Intramurals (The Chess Match is still scheduled for tomorrow)

Teacher of the Year Nominations

Teacher of the Year Nominations

Nominations are now being accepted for the 2025 Alberta Muirhead Teacher of the Year Students' Choice Awards, and we encourage our students to take a few minutes to recognize their favorite teacher. See the nomination form. Each student can nominate up to two...

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