STEM Middle School

Class News

Hoodie+ Order Form

Students received an order form for STEM Spirit Wear today. Order forms and money are due back to Ms. Fryzel no later than FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1st. Please send your child with exact change. Hoodie Order Form 24-25.pdf

Overnight Trip to Chicago Meeting

if you are interested in learning about the overnight trip to Chicago, please join Ms. Fryzel for an informational ZOOM meeting. The meeting will be for all grades Tuesday, October 29th at 6PM. Unlike in years past, the registration site will not open that night....

Girls Swim Tryouts at McCollough-Unis

Hi ladies! If you are planning on trying out for the swim team, please read the information below and register for tryouts using  this: Swim Tryout Registration Form 1. We will be holding a 2-day tryout, you...


Hi ladies! If you are planning on trying out for the swim team, please read the information below and register for tryouts using  this: Swim Tryout Registration Form 1. We will be holding a 2-day tryout, you...

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