STEM Middle School

Month: September 2018

Free Lunch & Breakfast

Good News! Dearborn students will no longer be required to pay for lunch or breakfast. Those students who received free or reduced meals no longer need to submit a lunch application for that to continue. If you have any questions, please contact the office. Here is...

Chicago Trip

The Chicago Trip is now FULL.  At this point in time we have NO parent and NO student seats available. If you are interested in being put on the waitlist, please return the registration form, but do NOT send any money.  IF we are able to take you in the future, we...

NWEA Testing

NWEA testing will take place on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. Please do not be late for school!

Learning Center Starts Tomorrow!

Learning Center is offered to STEM students after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:20-3:30pm. Learning center can be utilized by any student who needs to catch on on work, especially summer IXLs. Please contact any teacher to sign your student up for learning...

Math Circles Begin Soon!

Math Circles is an after school club that meets on Wednesdays until 3:30. It is run by the University of Michigan, Dearborn and lead by math professors in Ms. Bissonette's room. For more information, check out their website. Students must complete the online...

Reminder: Picture Day is Monday

School pictures will be taken on Monday, September 10 in the morning. All students will have their picture taken for school ID purposes. To purchase a package, please visit to order online and use the school code:  LM748103Y0 Flyer-2018-09-10

STEM Late Work Policy 2018-19

Our goal at STEM is to provide meaningful opportunities for learning to occur that meet the needs of each and every student. As educators, we are aware that each student works at their own pace and has different needs outside of school as a result of family situations...

Religious Diversity Journey- 7th grade ONLY

Attention 7th Grade Parents and Students, This year 700  7th graders from around the metro area will benefit from the one-of-a-kind, immersive, interfaith literacy and diversity appreciation curriculum we will experience during our time together. This year marks...

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