Welcome to STEM Middle School’s Blog!
iReady Testing
The Fall iReady diagnostic testing will take place on Monday, Sept. 9 and Wednesday, Sept. 11.
Official Calendars
Grades, attendance, and student information system
Student links and resources.
Welcome to STEM Middle School’s Blog!
The Fall iReady diagnostic testing will take place on Monday, Sept. 9 and Wednesday, Sept. 11.
The Executive Directors of Student Achievement for Dearborn Public Schools are happy to announce the start of the Superintendent’s/Executive Directors’ Student Advisory Council (SEDSAC) in each of the middle schools again. Student’s voice has been the driving...
Here is the permission slip for Mr. Tapp's intramurals. 2024-2025-IntramuralsDownload
Add the A/B day calendar to your google calendar by clicking here https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0?cid=Y19lZGVkZGZiNzhjN2EyMmU2Y2FmNjgxOWE5MDY2YTE0ZGQ1N2ViNjE1OTNiZDcwNDAzOTA0MjlkNTRiNzljZmM1QGdyb3VwLmNhbGVuZGFyLmdvb2dsZS5jb20
Attention STEM Parents! The PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) membership for the 2024-2025 school year is now open! Membership dues are $15 per family/household. All (100%) of the membership proceeds and donations go to the STEM PTO which directly gives back to the...
Tuesday, Aug. 27 is a regular day, not an early release. Dismissal is 2:45 at door #1.
Thank you to all of the students and parents that came to Open House today. We enjoyed seeing all of you and can't wait to start the school year with you - MONDAY, AUGUST 26TH (7:50 AM - 10:55 AM). We know that there were some schedule and locker issues and we are...
Open House is this Friday from 1:30 - 3:00. Drop in whenever during that time period. Not only will you be able to pick up your schedule, try your locker, and meet your teachers, we have LOTS of giveaways this year. Including, a free Kona Ice for STEM students. Kona...
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