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No Board Game Today!
There is no game club today, 11/1/24
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Welcome to STEM Middle School’s Blog!
There is no game club today, 11/1/24
REMINDER: Tomorrow (Friday) is the last day to turn in hoodie orders and money (exact change please) to Ms. Fryzel. Hoodie Order Form 24-25.pdf
Thank you for attending the meeting this evening. If you were unable to attend or would like to review what was shared, the slides are linked below. Please be aware that the reservation portal will not open until MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4TH in the afternoon so that families...
No BGC on the following days: Thursday-October 31 Monday thru Friday, November 4th-8th
There is no Chess club on Thursday, Oct. 31!
There is no math circle this week, 10/30/24.
If you are interested in the overnight trip to Chicago, don't forget that the meeting is tomorrow at 6PM on ZOOM. Zoom Link
Students received an order form for STEM Spirit Wear today. Order forms and money are due back to Ms. Fryzel no later than FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1st. Please send your child with exact change. Hoodie Order Form 24-25.pdf
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