Wednesday, our first full day, is an A day.
Class News

Yearbook Cover Contest ends Tomorrow!

Music Concert Tonight
The STEM music concert is tonight at 6pm. The PTO will be selling baked goods before and after the performance.
No Intramurals 12/18/24
There are no intramurals tomorrow, 12/18/24, because the gym is being site up for the music concert.
Art Club & Chess Club
Art club is Wednesday after school. Chess club is on Friday. (No chess on Thursday.)
Friday 12/13/24
Friday is our STEM Gingerbread party after school, for STEM students ONLY. There is NO chess on Friday because of this.
Holiday Spirit Week
Next week STEM will have a spirit week in a countdown to Winter Break! Monday, 12/16 = Hawaiian Christmas Tuesday, 12/17 = Pink Out Day Wednesday, 12/18 = STEM Wear Day Thursday, 12/19 = Santa hats, reindeer antlers, elf ears, holiday colors. Have fun with it! Friday,...

Gingerbread House Party
STEM Blue Ribbon Recognition
Next Monday, December 2nd, STEM will be honored for receiving their 2nd National Blue Ribbon during the Board of Education Meeting. We would love to have students and parents there to represent our school as well as be honored for our success. If you are able to...
Robotics Club
Ms. Kimmel is holding two separate informational meetings about Robotics Club next week. Monday, December 2nd is for 6th graders. The meeting will be from 2:45-3:45 in Ms. Kimmel's room. Wednesday, December 4th will be for 7th and 8th graders. This meeting will also...