STEM Middle School

Learning Labs Beginning Next Week

Learning Labs will begin next week on Tuesday, September 14th.  Learning Labs are after school from 2:45 – 3:45 on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Most of the time there will be two teachers on each day.  Ms. Bissonette, Ms. Fryzel, Ms. Roberts, and Mr. Markiecki will be the teachers running Learning Labs. 

The basic layout of Learning Labs is as follows:
1.  Students MUST sign up for Learning Labs in FIRST HOUR the day they plan to stay.  

2.  PLAN AHEAD!  Students need to let parents know that they are staying before hand – we cannot have everyone calling after school to see if they can stay.  This is very disruptive to the learning environment.

3.  Learning Labs are a QUIET place to work on homework, get help from a teacher or fellow student, and/or catch up on reading.  They are not meant to be a social club.

4.  In order to keep numbers in the two rooms balanced and as small as possible, students will be assigned a teacher when they sign up.  

5.  Being in the same room as your friends may not be possible if we do not feel that is your best learning environment or if we need to balance room numbers.6.  STUDENTS NEED TO BE PICKED UP NO LATER THAN 4:00 PM.  If a student is not picked up by 4:00, s/he may not be allowed to stay after for Learning Labs.

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