Good morning! Welcome back to school! Today’s assignment is to take a survey about your technology preparedness so that we know who is up and running and who may need help with some troubleshooting. The survey needs to be completed by 12:00 PM today, if it is not completed, you will be marked absent for Monday.
In order to complete the survey, first do the following two things:
1. Login to Student Connect (student ID and birthday) and find your schedule. Look it over to see that you have a complete schedule. An A-square, ELA class, math class, science class, social studies class, STEM apps class, a PE class, and art OR band OR orchestra. REMEMBER, courses will be listed 4 times.
2. Go to the Dearborn Public Schools website and enter the student portal. You should see a SCHOOLOGY link. Login in to it with your student ID and birthday.
When you have done the above two things, even if you could not get in, take the survey. If you could not do one or two of the above, there will be a place on the survey to let us know. Your A-Square teacher will call or email students who had issues sometime this afternoon.