STEM Middle School

Science EXPO Frequently Asked Questions

There have been many GREAT questions posed by students regarding the Science EXPO, so we had a team meeting and came to a decision regarding the answers. Here are the questions and their answers:

  1. Can the title be a question? Yes, or no. Whatever you prefer. The title MUST gain the attention of people reading the board.
  2. Who is grading the projects? Your SCIENCE teacher. Ask them any specific questions you have regarding your summative grade for science class. Other teachers have been doing check-ins along the way for formative points.
  3. When & where do we turn them in? Bring your board to school this Friday and drop it off in 6th hour right before school. We will set up the boards in our 6th hour classes at the end of the day Monday for the EXPO.
  4. What time do we need to be at the Science EXPO and for how long should we stay? Please try to come by 5pm (it begins at 4:30) and stay for about 45 minutes. Since your board will be set up in your 6th hour class, your 6th hour teacher will take attendance. Make sure you let them know you are here:)
  5. What if I cannot attend the Science EXPO on Monday, March 12? Ok, just bring a doctor’s note or written documentation from your parent/guardian/coach etc. to your science teacher on Tuesday explaining why you could not attend.
  6. Is there an assignment to complete during the EXPO? Yes, you will have to take a selfie with your favorite project from a different grade level than your own and write a reflection on it. You will be excused from this assignment ONLY if you give your science teacher the note from your doctor/parent/coach etc.
  7. Will Intramurals and Jazz Band run that day? Jazz Band=yes.  Intramurals=NO
  8. Are there judging and awards? Yes, two awards will be given out per grade. There will be judging going on before the EXPO begins.

Any more questions? Just ask your Science teacher, who will be grading your project:)

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