STEM Middle School

Greetings from the Maize and Blue Math Circle!

We need your help to spread the word about a free and fun educational program presented by the University of Michigan-Dearborn Mathematics and Statistics Department.

The idea of a Math Circle has been growing rapidly across the nation and yet the most common question still asked is,“What is a math circle?”
Concisely, it is an experience to bring students together through math.

Sessions usually begin with a warm up game that are used as an ice-breaker, while subtly functioning to enforce mathematical concepts. Breaking down barriers at this time allows students to connect on a deeper level for when the main topic is introduced. A professor from the University of Michigan-Dearborn steers the attention of the circle to a proposed problem or concept, then guides the group through exploring this topic. Students develop a language for mathematics by learning to talk through problems with their peers and the collaborative environment allows students to help other students in an all-around beneficial arrangement.

Along with learning more about math, students will elevate their networking skills. They will connect with students from other schools as well as work with university professors on a personal level.

Our circle has divided into three different sessions this year:

  1. Session One: DTE Mumford
    For selected students only
  2. Session Two: Dearborn STEM 
    For any middle school student 3:30-4:30 Wednesdays this Fall  (STEM students should wait in Mrs. Bissonette’s room 189 from 3-3:30.  Circles will be held in our cafeteria.)
  3. Session Three: M&B High School
    For any high school student

Sessions begin on September 21st.
Please note that registration is required before attending. Registration and more information about meetings can be found on our website:

Remember, there is no fee for attending, thanks to our generous sponsors. Teachers and parents are welcome to sit in and contribute as long as they refrain from directly giving the students answers.
We look forward to connecting with you.

Thank you for your consideration,Maize and Blue Math Circle

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